Starfield Two Tales, Two Cities Walkthrough

starfield two tales two cities vandalism

starfield two tales two cities vandalism

The fourth and final quest for the New Atlantis UC Security and Sergeant Yumi is the quest, Two Tales, Two Cities. Help find the actual perpetrator behind a vandalism case.

How to Unlock Two Tales, Two Cities

You can only unlock Two Tales, Two Cities after completing the following quests:

Once you finish all four quests, you can talk to Sergeant Yumi and start the quest Two Tales, Two Cities.

Two Tales, Two Cities Walkthrough

Speak to Sergeant Yumi

Head to the UC Security office near the New Atlantis Spaceport and speak to Sergeant Yumi to start the quest. He'll mention a recent vandalism incident reported by a MAST Functionary.

starfield two tales two cities speak to sergeant yumi
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Investigate the Incident at the Embassy District

Make your way to the Embassy District and towards the crime scene. The location is the NAT station located right under the MAST building. You can get there directly via the NAT.

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Speak to Officer Markannen

You'll see Officer Markannen speaking to a witness describing the vandal. This person is a second witness who has come forward, and he reports that the perpetrator was wearing a trucker's flannel and holding a Tale of Two Cities book.

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Speak to Functionary Gershon

Make your way to the MAST building offices alongside Officer Markannen and speak to Functionary Gershon, who will mention that he's a bit busy and has to report to Sergeant Yumi. He'll ask you to check his computer for his reports.

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Check the Computer for Evidence on the Vandal

You can check the computer on his desk for evidence, but you'll also find a bunch of other files that mention his recent experiences with a pickpocket from The Well and how he wishes that The Well never existed. It reveals his classist tendencies alongside a grudge against and a disdain for the people living in The Well.

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If you check around his desk, you can also find a copy of A Tale of Two Cities.

starfield two tales two cities a tale of two cities
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You can also find a Space Trucker Flannel inside the dustbin. These items are evidence that you can later use to accuse Gershon.

starfield two tales two cities space trucker flannel
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Speak to Officer Markannen

Speak to Officer Markannen and make your decision regarding the case. Note that your decision here will decide who you report to, Sergeant Yumi. If you blame Gershon, you cannot change this decision later. He's the real criminal, and this was an act of vengeance to carry out his grudge against Tahir Vala from The Well.

starfield two tales two cities speak to officer merkkanon
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Speak to Sergeant Yumi

Return to the UC Security office, where Gershon will have finished giving his false testimony to Sergeant Yumi. Once you accuse him of being the criminal, you'll have to succeed at an 8-point Persuasion check in 3 turns.

starfield two tales two cities call out gershanon
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It's difficult, but you can use the evidence from the desk for 6 points. The last 2 points can depend on luck or your testimony from meeting the accused during The House of the Enlightened quest, The Kindness of Strangers.

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This interaction will finish the quest, and Sergeant Yumi will inform you that their staffing shortage is finally over. He'll thank you for your service, and the quest line will conclude. You also get a pretty hefty sum of Credits from this mission.

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Two Tales, Two Cities Quest Rewards

  • XP - 200
  • Credits 7600(Level Dependant)

That concludes our guide for the quest Two Tales Two Cities. If you're looking for another quest line to help the citizens, try Defensive Measures in Akila City.

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