Starfield Creatures

Alien bird in Starfield
Credit: Bethesda Softworks

Alien bird in Starfield
Credit: Bethesda Softworks

The vastness of space is a dangerous place. From the cold vacuum of space to the harshest planets, creatures lurk in the shadows, waiting to prey on the unwary. In Starfield, encounter various aliens - and potential enemies - on hundreds of planets, each with unique abilities and challenges.

Some of these Starfield creatures are native to the planets of the Settled Systems, while explorers or colonists have brought others in. Some are even the result of genetic engineering or failed experiments. Whatever their origin, these creatures threaten players who venture too far into the unknown.

Horsamander Grazer
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It is all about perceived danger. In front of that Horsamander Grazer I was in complete control.

To survive in this hostile environment, players must be prepared for anything. They must arm themselves with the best weapons and learn to use the environment to their advantage. They will also need to be resourceful and quick-thinking, as they will often be outnumbered and overpowered.

So, in this guide, we'll go over all the creatures and aliens found in Starfield.

Creatures and Aliens in Starfield

Starfield has over 100 confirmed creatures and aliens, with many more yet to be discovered. As you explore the planets of Starfield, it is important to be prepared for any creature you encounter.

Some aliens may be hostile and territorial, so players must defend themselves; others may present themselves as docile, so keep your wits about you even then.

To help you navigate these lands, we've compiled a list of all the Starfield creatures revealed so far to help you be prepared.


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My life revolves around conservation. That is my work. That is my life, and I'll die doing that.
  • Ankylosaur Herbivore
  • Apex Dust Devil Exorunner
  • Apex Parrothawk
  • Ashta
  • Baleen Rotifer
  • Bearclaw
  • Beetle Grazer
  • Beetle Scavenger
  • Beetlecrab
  • Brightcage


Coralbucket Filterer
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We don’t own the planet Earth, we belong to it. And we must share it with our wildlife.
  • Carnasnail Scavenger'
  • Centiskull Filterer
  • Centiskull Geophage
  • Centiskull Grazer
  • Coralbucket Filterer
  • Coralcrawler
  • Coralheart Filterer
  • Coralheart Grazer
  • Coralheart Herbivore
  • Crocodaunt


Elk Crangon
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My dad once said to me, "if they're biting you, you know you've got 'em".
  • Dust Devil Exorunner
  • Eggback Herbivore
  • Elk Crangon


Flocking Tongueface Herbivore
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Fear helps me from making mistakes, but I make lot of mistakes
  • Flamethorn Herbivore
  • Flocking ankylosaurus Geophage
  • Flocking Cephalopod Scavenger
  • Flocking Coralcrawler Geophage
  • Flocking Glowhand Grazer
  • Flocking Octomaggot Grazer
  • Flocking Scorpion Geophage
  • Flocking Shardhopper Geophage
  • Flocking Shellephant Herbivore
  • Flocking Toadface Herbivore
  • Flocking Tongueface Herbivore
  • Flocking Vuvuzelisk Grazer


Grazing Ensifer
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I get called an adrenaline junkie every other minute, and I’m just fine with that.
  • Gossamer Scavenger
  • Grabber Filterer
  • Grabber Herbivore
  • Grazing Ensifer


herding cutterhead herbivore
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If something ever happens to me, people are gonna say 'we knew a Herding Cutterhead Herbivore would get him!'
  • Herding Boneback Scavenger
  • Herding Bonemane Grazer
  • Herding Clickbeetle Grazer
  • Herding Coralbucket Filterer
  • Herding Coralcrawler Grazer
  • Herding Crab Herbivore
  • Herding Crabfly Grazer
  • Herding Cutterhead Herbivore
  • Herding Geckon Grazer
  • Herding Glider Grazer
  • Herding Glowback Scavenger
  • Herding Hippodon Scavenger
  • Herding Horsamander Herbivor
  • Herding Sailgator Herbivore
  • Herding Scoopback Geophage
  • Herding Sunflower Filterer
  • Herding Trihorn Goephage
  • Herding Vuvuzelisk Fitlerer
  • Herding Wobbleback Geophage
  • Horsamander Grazer
  • Hunting Ankylosaurus
  • Hunting Brainsprout
  • Hunting Brainsquid
  • Hunting Brightcage
  • Hunting Cagebrain
  • Hunting Cephalopod
  • Hunting Coralcrab
  • Hunting Crab
  • Hunting Glider
  • Hunting Kronosaurus
  • Hunting Leafstrider
  • Hunting Sailgator
  • Hunting Sharkwhale
  • Hunting Shieldshell
  • Hunting Toadface Stalker
  • Hunting Triantrler
  • Hunting Tuskfrog
  • Hunting Twistfin
  • Hunting Vectorback
  • Jacknife Geophage
  • Kreet Stalker
  • Mayfly Herbivore
  • Millwhale Grazer
  • Mossgnath
  • Mothwing Grazer


pack coralbug
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Pack Coralbugs. I've been catching them since I was nine. No problem.
  • Nautilus Scavanger
  • Pack Ankylosaurus
  • Pack Cockroach
  • Pack Coralbug
  • Pack Coralbug Stalker
  • Pack Coralcrab Stalker
  • Pack Coralcrawler
  • Pack Crab
  • Pack Dragondon
  • Pack Prong Wing Seabat
  • Pack Scarab
  • Pack Seahag
  • Pack Trapmaw
  • Pack Twintail
  • Pack Twistfin
  • Pearl Filterer


Swarming Stalking Scorpion
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I'll meet my match when I'm dead.
  • Schooling Arapaima Filterer
  • Schooling Exowhale Filterer
  • Schooling Featherfin Filterer
  • Seahag
  • Sharkwhale
  • Sloth Grazer
  • Sunfish Filterer
  • Sunflower Filterer
  • Swarming Dragon
  • Swarming Stalking Scorpion


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Crikey! A fearsome Terrormorph, ain't she a beauty?
  • Terrormorph
  • Toadface Grazer
  • Trilobite Scavenger
  • Tuskfrog Grazer

Although Bethesda has emphasised the procedural generation of planets in Starfield, the creatures have been meticulously designed to suit their unique environments. Therefore, if a player seeks to locate a particular creature, travelling to its home planet should be the first place to look.

Taking down creatures can provide some good loot for players seeking particular resources. So don't be afraid to fight back or go hunting if you are in need of particular items.

With that being the case, we will continue to update this guide with all the information as we find it. In the meantime, check out our guide on the best starting builds to give yourself an advantage or the mantis side quest walkthrough to nab a neat ship and spacesuit.

For all things Starfield, stick with us at Starfield Portal.

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