Starfield is a huge open-world RPG title from Bethesda, spanning multiple star systems across the galaxy. Fast travel will be essential in Starfield for a game of scope and size. We take a look at exactly how to use the fast travel mechanic and where you can use it.
If walking all the way across a new planet feels like an overwhelming task, then learning to use fast travel will wash all of those woes away.
Fast Travel in Starfield
Like most Bethesda Game Studio titles, Starfield will allow players to use fast travel to make trips cross-planet a lot quicker. After confirmation that there would be no land vehicles in Starfield, using fast travel suddenly became indispensable.

There are other options to travel a bit quicker within the game, a jet-pack can be equipped and used to scale objects across the varied terrain. Running will also be another way to hot-foot from place to place.
Types of Fast Travel in Starfield
Fast travel will be available in several forms, all working in relatively the same way. Similar to Fallout and The Elder Scrolls franchises, Starfield will have fast travel between most main places of interest. This may be towns, cities, notable landmarks or even caves.

With cities in Starfield being the biggest Bethesda has ever created, we suspect there may be fast travel within some of the main cities across the galaxy. New Atlantis, the biggest of them all, may have fast travel points throughout the main locations.
How to Fast Travel
In order to fast travel in Starfield, you must first visit the location you want to get to. After you discover the area, you can head to the map screen, hover the cursor over the destination, and select fast travel.

Previously, some type of loading screen has popped up as the new area loads in. We suspect that Starfield will feature similar screens between new places as well. Fast travelling when there are no named locations on a planet, can only be done to return to your ship, this is performed in the same manner as travel to new areas. First, open the map, select the icon for your ship, and then select fast travel.
Currently, this is all we can predict about how fast travel will work in Starfield, once more information comes to light, we will update this guide accordingly. While you are visiting why not brush up on your knowledge before launch? Learn about using DLSS in Starfield or even check out the many companions you can recruit during your adventures in space.
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