Starfield Ship-parts Database

All vehicle parts in Bethesda's Starfield RPG, including costs, modules, effects & more. Starfield Portal’s Database is being constantly updated & curated.

576-600 of 765 results
ship Part Ship Module Cost Required Skills Manufacturer Class Health Mass Power Generated Maneuvering Thrust Engine Thrust
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Spheromak DC202 Reactor

reactor48700-deep corea-4533--
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Helios 100 Grav Drive

grav drive5842-deep core--26---
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20T Hauler Cargo Hold

cargo hold4940-sextant shield systems--160---
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KE-31A Autocannon

weapon33440ballistic solutions inc.a-----
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Vanguard Ares Particle Cannon

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Stroud Science Lab 2x1

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Tsukisasu 19K Missile Launcher

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SAL-6110 Engine

engine20900slayton aerospacec-300-380013600
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Z-Machine 2000 reactor

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Z-Machine 2020 Reactor

reactor17400-amun dunnb-5716--
sp Equipment Plate ship-parts Image

Equipment Plate

structural500-taiyo astroneering--1---
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Nova Galactic Brig 2x2

hab1550-nova galactic--10---
sp Connect-Pro Docker - Top ship-parts Image

Connect-Pro Docker - Top

docker1021-stroud eklund--2---
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Disruptor 3340A Auto Alpha Turret

weapon6-horizon defense--14345---
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NG-15 Landing Gear - Port Fore

landing gear1662-nova galactic--4---
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Tokamak X-150 Reactor

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Mauler 106S Shot-Cannon

weapon4750-horizon defenseb-3---
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60S Protector Shield Generator

shield generator20140-dogstara-45---
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Taiyo Battle Stations Top A

hab1472-taiyo astroneering--5---
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Atlatl 280B Missile Launcher

weapon21660-light scytheb-5---
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SA-4220 Engine

engine17575slayton aerospacea-88---
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White Dwarf 3010 Engine

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Nova Galactic Cargo Hall 3x3

hab1800-nova galactic--14---
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Helios 200 Grav Drive

grav drive6934-deep core--28---
sp HopeTech Radiator ship-parts Image

HopeTech Radiator


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