
The Medicine skill is a Novice Science Skill that improves your ability to identify, diagnose, and treat injuries and illnesses. Only through advancements in medical training and technology has humanity been able to withstand the galaxy's many dangers.

Last Updated 06 Aug 2023 at 09:48 am GMT
sp Medicine skills Image
  • Typescience
  • Tiernovice

What does Medicine do?

  • Medicine gives you increased healing from certain sources of healing. It's a good skill to offset the negatives of Alien DNA.

What are the ranks for Medicine skill?

  • Med Packs, Trauma Packs, and Emergency Kits restore 10% additional Health and 10% faster.
  • Med Packs, Trauma Packs, and Emergency Kits restore 20% additional Health and 20% faster.
  • Med Packs, Trauma Packs, and Emergency Kits restore 30% additional Health and 30% faster.
  • Med Packs, Trauma Packs, and Emergency Kits restore 50% additional Health, 50% faster, and have a chance to cure an affliction.

Are there challenges to complete for this skill?

  • Challenge 1: Use healing items 20 times while wounded.
  • Challenge 2: Use healing items 50 times while wounded.
  • Challenge 3: Use healing items 100 times while wounded.

What build does Medicine work best with?

  • Exploration build: An exploration build focuses on exploring the game world and finding hidden treasures. Medicine can be used to heal yourself, which can be very helpful in case of injuries or illnesses.
  • Bounty Hunter build and Smuggler Build: Since you'll be running into a lot of combat, it's best to have some strong sources of healing to back you up.
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