The Elder Scrolls Online is currently celebrating its 10th anniversary with several events. From the Gold Road update to anniversary rewards, ESO players are having the time of their lives with Bethesda’s MMORPG.
Despite challenges to the game’s in-game economy due to the massive influx of rewards and items, players still question what they hate and love about The Elder Scrolls Online.
Originally posted on Reddit by user u/Legerity19, they have a hard time returning to ESO and asking the community what they love and hate about The Elder Scrolls Online. Many fellow players honestly and quickly answered the question, with one comment saying that what they love about the MMORPG is the PvP, and what they hate the most about it is the PvP feature as well, implying that the players have a weird dynamic when it comes to PvP, possibly due to toxicity and overall craziness and chaos when doing PvP battles.
Related: ESO’s Anniversary Lets Players Claim Red-Hot Rewards This August
Another player shared that ESO is very casual-friendly and easy to get into while having a fantastic combat mechanic. Recently, the Gold Road update introduced the Scribing mechanic, which overhauled how players utilize their favorite spells. Some say that the housing mechanics in ESO, along with the aesthetics and atmosphere of a high fantasy world of Tamriel, are what make them come back every time.
Some players shared that they hate that PvP and PvE balancing will always go hand in hand, limiting the flexibility of proper PvP and PvE builds. Others say decade-old bugs still plague the game, making them hate it a little more.

Among voice-acting, PvE content, and lore, the most noticeable factor that almost every player in the thread liked about The Elder Scrolls Online is its wholesome community.
Like other Bethesda titles, the gaming communities around the studio’s published titles generally have the most welcoming and friendly outlook. It is also complemented by how Bethesda communicates with their communities, such as when Todd Howard sat along with MrMattyPlays to talk about Bethesda games in general.
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READ MORE: Veteran ESO Players Turn Back Time and Tell Their Newbie Selves These Awesome Tips