United Colonies Native

Little has been revealed about this trait, but we do know that it's a faction allegiance trait. And with it, you'll get bonuses when interacting with members of the United Colonies faction.

Last Updated 20 Sep 2023 at 18:46 pm GMT
sp United Colonies Native traits Image
United Colonies Native

What does United Colonies Native Do?

The United Colonies Native trait in Starfield gives you a bonus to reputation with the United Colonies faction, and it also gives you a reduced bounty for crimes committed against other factions.

How Do I Remove United Colonies Native?

As of right now, there is no way to remove the United Colonies Native trait in Starfield. It is a permanent part of your character's build.

How Do I Apply United Colonies Native?

To apply the United Colonies Native trait to your character, you will need to select it from the list of available traits when you are creating your character.

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