Do you remember that photographer who created a collage of thousands of his pictures and then sold them off as his NFT? A Starfield player did exactly that - he compiled all of his photos of the game’s 209 fauna into a single image of an ET-like creature and posted them all on Reddit.
Before we talk more about this, take a moment to look at the collage made by user blazer380.
The creation process is technical, but blazer380 didn’t mention how he came up with the final product. The next question is, how did he know which creatures to take pictures of, and where could he find them?
Thankfully, that is a question our creator didn’t hesitate to answer. He said he found the necessary info about each fauna through the public Facebook group Creatures of Starfield. Yes, we checked the group out; it is a wealth of pertinent data about all the creatures of Starfield.
One of the group’s leading members, Alex Kushner, posted just yesterday that they have accounted for all 209 of the game’s creatures. They’re working on finding variants based on sizes and colors, but the core bases have all been covered for now.
If you want to scan the game’s fauna, flora, and celestial bodies like DoomZero did a few months ago, you might want to add this Facebook group to your resources. Again, as mentioned earlier, the group is public, and the information is freely shared between members.