
The Neurastrikes is a skill that allows you to deal a lethal amount of damage in an unarmed attack. It's a valuable skill for players who want to be able to fight enemies from a distance or who want to be able to disable enemies.

Last Updated 05 Aug 2023 at 17:30 pm GMT
sp Neurostrikes skills Image
  • Tiermaster
  • Typephysical

What does Neurostrikes do?

  • Improves your unarmed attacks and increases their stun and knockdown power.

What are the ranks for Neurostrikes?

  • 10% chance to stun an NPC with an unarmed attack.
  • Unarmed attacks now do additional EM damage.
  • 20% chance to stun an NPC with an unarmed attack.
  • After stunning an enemy, you also knock down any enemies within close range

Are there challenges to complete for this skill?

  • Spend a total of 12 Skill Points in the Physical tree
  • Stun 10 enemies with an unarmed attack.
  • Stun 30 enemies with an unarmed attack.
  • Stun 75 enemies with an unarmed attack.

What build does Neurostrikes work best with?

  • Melee Build: Melee is already a difficult build to pull off and you're going to want all the upgrades and skills you can get your hands on.
See all skills

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