Altair III

Altair III is the third planet in the Altair star system. It has three moons. The planet itself has a frozen temperature and a high O2 atmosphere but has no flora or fauna. However, it does have a safe water supply and five resources: H20, Cu, Pb, F, and Au.

Last Updated 20 Sep 2023 at 14:13 pm GMT
sp Altair III planets Image
Altair III

Where Is Altair III?

Altair III is the second planet in the Altair star system. In the map, the closest star systems to the Altair star system are Bessel Piazza, Narion Valo, and Barnard's Star.

What Is on Altair III?

Altair III is a rock planet with no flora and fauna. However, it has a safe water supply for explorers, who can also mine the following resources from the planet: H20, Cu, Pb, F, and Au.

Which Star System Is Altair III In?

Altair III is part of the Altair star system.

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