Life Forced

Life Forced is one of the 24 powers players can collect in Starfield by completing the "Into the Unknown" mission. When used, it drains an enemy's health and gains it for yourself, costing 25 energy.

Last Updated 04 Oct 2023 at 12:07 pm GMT
sp Placeholder ImageLife Forced
  • Cost25
  • EffectDrain the life force out of a living being and transfer it to yourself.

How Do I Unlock Life Forced?

Players can unlock the Parallel Self by completing the Temple Pi light puzzle after finding Artifact Pi. You can find the Temple Pi light puzzle by following through Vladimir Saul's quest Powers from Beyond.

How to Upgrade Life Forced?

Life Forced can be upgraded by completing Temple Pi repeatedly in New Game Plus walkthroughs. It retains the cost throughout all levels, but the amount drained and healed increases.

Best Uses for Life Forced?

Life Forced is an excellent power for emergency healing or if you want to become a tank that can soak enemy damage. Equip high defense spacesuits and damage reduction items while charging at your enemies and draining their life force.

See all powers

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