Frag Grenade

The Frag Grenade, also called a fragmentation grenade, is a common explosive you can throw. It does big damage to groups of enemies or big things. You can even use explosives to make enemies move out of hiding. When you're good at blowing things up, like with the Demolitions skill in Starfield, you can make frag grenades even better. When you're at level 3, they can do 30% more damage and hurt a bigger area by 30%. This makes them super dangerous if you know how to use them well.

Last Updated 11 Aug 2023 at 23:27 pm GMT
sp Placeholder ImageFrag Grenade
  • TypeGrenade

How to get Frag Grenade in Starfield?

For the Frag Grenade location, you can find the you can buy them or find them as loot in chests, containers, and on the bodies of enemies. You can also craft them with the Demolitions skill,

Best mods for the Frag Grenade

  • Sticky Grenade: This mod causes the Frag Grenade to stick to surfaces, making it easier to hit enemies
  • Incendiary Grenade: This mod causes the Frag Grenade to deal fire damage, making it more effective against armored enemies

Best background for the Frag Grenade

The best background for the Frag Grenade in Starfield depends on your playstyle and the mods you want to use. However, some backgrounds that are well-suited for the Frag Grenade include:

  • Scoundrel
  • Gangster

Best Build Type for the Frag Grenade

  • Saboteur: This build focuses on using the Frag Grenade's energy damage to debuff enemies

Where do I find parts for the Frag Grenade?

There are currently no known parts for this weapon.

See all weapons

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