
While this star system is unconfirmed, it is likely to be a major star system with a number of planets and moons. The star itself is a red giant, which means that it is much larger and brighter than our Sun.

Last Updated 11 Aug 2023 at 18:41 pm GMT

How many planets does Arcturus have?

It is possible that Arcturus will be added to the game in the future, but for now, there is no information about the planets in the system.

How do I get to Arcturus?

To get to Arcturus, you would need to use a starship with a jump drive. Jump drives allow starships to travel faster than the speed of light by creating a temporary wormhole.

Is Arcturus hostile?

Arcturus is a red giant star, which means that it is much larger and brighter than our Sun. This could make it a dangerous place to visit, but it could also be a source of valuable resources.

Best Arcturus for outposts

As for the best Arcturus for outposts, it is too early to say. We don't know what planets or moons are in the system, so we don't know which ones would be the most suitable for colonization or exploration.

See all star-systems

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