
This star system is located in the Orion Arm of the Milky Way galaxy. It is about 50 light-years from Earth.

Last Updated 11 Aug 2023 at 18:31 pm GMT

How many planets does Aranae have?

Arania is home to a number of planets and moons that are currently unknown.

How do I get to Aranae?

To get to Aranae in Starfield, you will need to have a ship that is equipped with a stardrive. The stardrive is a device that allows your ship to travel between star systems.

Is Aranae hostile?

Arania is not considered to be a hostile star system.

Best Aranae for outposts

  • Arania I: A gas giant planet that is covered in storms and radiation.
  • Arania II: A desert planet home to a number of dangerous creatures.
See all star-systems

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