Starfield Ship-parts Database

All vehicle parts in Bethesda's Starfield RPG, including costs, modules, effects & more. Starfield Portal’s Database is being constantly updated & curated.

726-750 of 765 results
ship Part Ship Module Cost Required Skills Manufacturer Class Health Mass Power Generated Maneuvering Thrust Engine Thrust
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White Dwarf 2010 Engine

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Kon-Tiki B-400 Bridge

cockpit25175stroud eklund--23---
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Polo 2020 Cargo Hold

cargo hold4938-panoptes--160---
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Taiyo Living Quarters 2x1 Top B

hab1282-taiyo astroneering--5---
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Taiyo Cargo Hall 2x2 Bottom A

hab1550-taiyo astroneering--5---
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SGD 3300 Grav Drive

grav drive74575slayton aerospacec-137---
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NG-20 Lander - Wide

landers7000nova galactic-44---
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Hunter Mag-450 Missile Launcher

weapon11875horizon defenseb-4---
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da Gama 1020 Cargo Hold

cargo hold1567-panoptes--68---
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Nova Galactic Cargo Hall 2x3

hab1800-nova galactic--12---
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Warden SG-400 Shield Generator

shield generator35340-sextant shield systemsb-71---
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Ion Beam H-1020 Reactor

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Tsukisasu 40k Missile Launcher

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Stroud Storeroom 1x1 Port A

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PBO-30 Auto Electron Beam

weapon8573-ballistic solutions inc.a-1---
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HopeTech Companionway Fuselage D

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SAE-5110 Engine

engine9500-slayton aerospace--140---
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SAL-6220 Engine

engine31920slayton aerospacec-330-580015760
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Deimos Armory 2x1

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164MM Toroidal Reactor

sp Dragon 221 MW Laser ship-parts Image

Dragon 221 MW Laser

weapon3000-horizon defensea-2---
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HopeTech Battle Stations 2x2

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NG-20 Landing Gear

landing gear1662-nova galactic--4---
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Vaporizer 35MeV Proton Beam

weapon17195light scythea-1---
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Taiyo Control Station 2x1 Bottom B

hab1282-taiyo astroneering--5---

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