Starfield Ship-parts Database

All vehicle parts in Bethesda's Starfield RPG, including costs, modules, effects & more. Starfield Portal’s Database is being constantly updated & curated.

476-500 of 765 results
ship Part Ship Module Cost Required Skills Manufacturer Class Health Mass Power Generated Maneuvering Thrust Engine Thrust
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Stroud Workshop 2x1

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MKE-4 Gauss Gun

weapon14300-ballistic solutions inc.c-6---
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SGD 1100 Grav Drive

grav drive4545-slayton aerospacea-24---
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HopeTech Storeroom Fuselage B

sp Deimos Spine G ship-parts Image

Deimos Spine G

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Himeji Command Bridge

cockpit23655-taiyo astroneering--25---
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Pinch 8Z Reactor

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Nova Galactic Storeroom 1x1

hab1050-nova galactic--5---
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40T Hauler Cargo Hold

cargo hold8835-sextant shield systems--268---
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J-50 Gamma Grav Drive

grav drive33724-reladynec-108---
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Taiyo Storeroom 1x1 Top C

hab997-taiyo astroneering--5---
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Dragon 261 SX Laser Turret

horizon defensec-6---
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HopeTech Storeroom Fuselage D

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Deimos Engineering Bay A 3x1

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Pinpoint 4G Landing Gear - Port

landing gear1306-taiyo astroneering--3---
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Pinpoint 4G Landing Gear

landing gear1306-taiyo astroneering--3---
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NG-10 Landing Gear - Port Fore

landing gear712-nova galactic--2---
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Taiyo All-in-One Berth 2x1 Bottom A

hab1282-taiyo astroneering--5---
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Pinpoint 3G Lander Fore

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Polo 2010 Cargo Hold

cargo hold3610-panoptes--92---
sp Nova Cowling 2L-PM ship-parts Image

Nova Cowling 2L-PM

structural950-nova galactic--8---
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Taiyo Armory 2x1 Bottom B

hab1283-taiyo astroneering--4---
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Titan 450 He3

fuel tank2137-nautilus--16---
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PB-30 Electron Beam

weapon3396-ballistic solutions inc.a-1---
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PB-175 Helion Beam

weapon13110ballistic solutions inc.b-5---

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