Starfield Ship-parts Database

All vehicle parts in Bethesda's Starfield RPG, including costs, modules, effects & more. Starfield Portal’s Database is being constantly updated & curated.

326-350 of 765 results
ship Part Ship Module Cost Required Skills Manufacturer Class Health Mass Power Generated Maneuvering Thrust Engine Thrust
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Ares DT40 Engine

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Stroud All-in-One Berth 2x1 B

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Deflector SG-40 Shield Generator

shield generator11305-sextant shield systemsa-37---
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Taiyo Nose Cap - Port

structural1000-taiyo astroneering--5---
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HopeTech Habs

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Deimos Engineering Bay B 3x1

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Taiyo Storeroom 1x1 Top D

hab996-taiyo astroneering--5---
sp Deimos Braking Engine ship-parts Image

Deimos Braking Engine

sp Placeholder Image

HopeTech All-in-One Berth 2x1

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Z-Machine 1000 reactor

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Fortress A2 Shield Generator

shield generator31920nautilusc-102---
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Poseidon DT230 Engine

sp Taiyo Spine B ship-parts Image

Taiyo Spine B

structural500-taiyo astroneering--3---
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StorMax 30 Cargo Hold

cargo hold712-dogstar--43---
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Taiyo Cargo Hall 2x2 Top B

hab1550-taiyo astroneering--5---
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NG170 Grav Drive

grav drive5900-nova galactic--31---
sp Stroud Engine Bracer A ship-parts Image

Stroud Engine Bracer A

structural500-stroud eklund--3---
sp Stability Pro Landing Bay ship-parts Image

Stability Pro Landing Bay

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Taiyo Workshop 2x1 Top B

hab--taiyo astroneering--1282---
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Taiyo Astroneering Habs

hab--taiyo astroneering------
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Accu-lander 11

landers2600stroud eklund-12---
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Taiyo Companionway 1x1 Top B

hab997-taiyo astroneering--5---
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Taiyo Battle Stations Mid

hab1472-taiyo astroneering--5---
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da Gama 1000 Cargo Hold

cargo hold807-panoptes--48---
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CE-29 Missile Launcher

weapon5817-ballistic solutions inc.b33---

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