Starfield Ship-parts Database

All vehicle parts in Bethesda's Starfield RPG, including costs, modules, effects & more. Starfield Portal’s Database is being constantly updated & curated.

276-300 of 765 results
ship Part Ship Module Cost Required Skills Manufacturer Class Health Mass Power Generated Maneuvering Thrust Engine Thrust
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HopeTech Companionway Fuselage A

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Deflector SG-35 Shield Generator

shield generator13965-sextant shield systemsa-39---
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Galleon S202 Cargo Hold

cargo hold6364-protectorate systems--200---
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Taiyo Mess Hall 3x2 Bottom A

hab1710-taiyo astroneering--5---
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Nova Galactic All-in-One Berth 2x1 B

hab1600-nova galactic--8---
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Magellan C1 Cockpit

cockpit3704-nova galactic--6---
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DS10.1 Phobos Cockpit

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EMP-500 Suppressor

weapon43320-ballistic solutions inc.--4---
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Disruptor 3340 Alpha Beam

weapon7528-horizon defensec-6---
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Himeji Bridge

cockpit16150-taiyo astroneering--19---
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Tower N420 Shield Generator

shield generator28975nautilusb-69---
sp Deimos Spine F - Fore ship-parts Image

Deimos Spine F - Fore

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Taiyo Brig 2x2 Mid

hab1472-taiyo astroneering--5---
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Theta Pinch B9 Reactor

reactor44000-amun dunnc-9624--
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Taiyo Mess Hall 3x2 Top A

hab1710-taiyo astroneering--5---
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Tokamak X-200 Reactor

reactor25500-amun dunn--34---
sp Extender Port 200 Docker -Top ship-parts Image

Extender Port 200 Docker -Top

docker855-taiyo astroneering--3---
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Pinpoint 3G Landing Gear - Port Fore

landing gear1235-taiyo astroneering--1---
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H30 Atlas He3 Tank

fuel tank7980-dogstar--56---
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104DS Mag Inertial Reactor

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SGD 1300 Grav Drive

grav drive6600-slayton aerospace--32---
sp Atlatl 270A Missile Launcher ship-parts Image

Atlatl 270A Missile Launcher

weapon3900-light scythea-2---
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Armstrong 10R Cockpit

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DC303 Fast Ignition Reactor

reactor59100-deep coreb-6835--
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M40 Ulysses He3 Tank

fuel tank3135-dogstar--25---

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