Starfield Crimson Fleet Questline - The Best There Is

starfield the best there is command center access guard

starfield the best there is command center access guard

You're tasked with breaking into one of the Settled Systems' most secure UC space stations and retrieving the experimental ComSpike technology from under their noses. There are several different routes you can take to get to your objective. We'll cover all of them in this walkthrough for the Crimson Fleet Quest, The Best There Is.

The Best There Is Walkthrough

Speak to Naeva Mora and Jasmine on The Key

Speak to Naeva Mora and Jasmine on The Key, where they'll tell you about their smuggler contact in New Atlantis.

starfield the best there is speak to naeva mora and jasmine
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Speak to Huan Daiyu in New Atlantis

Go to The Well in New Atlantis, where Huan Daiyu will be waiting for you on the balcony. Speak to her, and she'll give you the ground rules and basic plan.

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Meet Huan on the Jade Swan

Head over to the Spaceport in New Atlantis and board Huan Daiyu's ship, the Jade Swan.

starfield the best there is the jade swan
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If you're having trouble finding the way forward, look for a slightly concealed door on the left side.

starfield the best there is the jade swan interior
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If you want to make some quick Credits, check out the Captain's Locker on the ship. Nothing you pick up here will count as stealing.

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Speak to Huan Daiyu and tell her you're ready to leave.

starfield the best there is the jade swan speak to huan
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Travel with Huan to SY-920 and Wait for the Jade Swan to Dock

Wait for the ship to take off and make its way to SY-920. Then, wait for it to get permission to board and finish the docking sequence.

starfield the best there is the jade swan docking at spacestation
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Speak to Huan Daiyu

Huan Daiyu will say you're only allowed in the Cargo Bay. She will advise you to get your hands on a military uniform so that you can proceed to the restricted areas.

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Note that you also have the alternative option of going in guns blazing and facing the wrath of the entire military space station. This makes for an incredibly challenging but fun and rewarding encounter. However, Ikande will be very mad at you for it, and if you've committed a prior offence, you'll be banned from the UC Vigilance.

Board SY-920

Board the SY-920 and look around the cargo area. You will want to aim for a door on the lower floor that gives you access to the maintenance tunnels.

Speak to Huan Daiyu on Intercom

Throughout the quest, whenever you enter a new section, you can talk to Huan Daiyu, who will give you updates and guidance on where to proceed.

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Gain Access to the Barracks

The maintenance tunnels lead to the Barracks, but they're locked behind an Advanced Lock door. You need a point in the Security skill to unlock this.

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Alternatively, speak to Elijah on the lower floor, who has lost his keycard. He'll point you to a nearby soldier.

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Approach the soldier and send him away to Elijah. Collect the Keycard behind him to unlock the maintenance door.

starfield the best there is soldier with maintenance keycard
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If you've invested a lot in the Persuasion skill, you can try convincing the guard on the upper floor to let you through. This check is tough, though.

starfield the best there is soldier with persuasion check to enter barracks
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Find an Ensign Uniform

Make your way through the vents and find an Ensing Uniform in the barracks ahead. Alternatively, if you want a pure stealth experience, you can forego the suit and opt for the maintenance vent instead. This requires a level 2 Security skill.

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Proceed Into the Barracks

Make your way into the barracks and go through the security checkpoint.

Head to the Next Level

The next level is the command center; you're not supposed to be here. This means nearby soldiers will comment on it and might even confront you if you hang around them too long. Try your best to avoid them and make your way forward. If they do catch you, you can try bribing or persuading them.

Find Security Code

You'll need a security code to pass the checkpoint ahead. Head into the security room and interact with the locked computer if you have Level 1 Security. You can have it generate a passcode for you corresponding to your name.

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Otherwise, you'll have to take the maintenance tunnels again and risk alerting enemies in the next area.

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Find Information on the ComSpike

There's not much to do here besides making your way to the quest marker while avoiding the enemies. You can look around for safes and locked doors for some extra loot. Make your way to the Data Center computer.

starfield the best there is level 4 access computer data center
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Upgrade Security Clearance for Engineering Bay 4

Interact with the computer and upgrade your clearance for the Engineering Bay. Go forward and head to the elevator that leads to the final section of the staryard.

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Grab The Eubanks and Woods (Evidence) Audio Slate

The room connecting Sections 3 and 4 will have the Eubanks and Woods (Evidence) Audio Slate, allowing you to put them behind bars.

Speak to Gabriel Vogel

Quickly and quietly make your way to Gabriel Vogel's office, which should be unlocked if you've kept a suit and followed protocols. You can also pick up a SY-920 Scientist Outfit to clear you of suspicion. If you're playing stealth, use the maintenance shaft on the upper floor to go down to his office.

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Once you speak to him, you can ask him about the location of the ComSpike. He'll tell you it's on a Prototype Ship.

Should You Betray Huan?

When talking to Gabriel Vogel, you can either persuade him and claim that you're a pilot or betray Huan. You can also steal the location and card from him.

  • Persuading him leads to extra steps requiring you to collect a pilot suit and find a way around the security checkpoint to the prototype ship.
  • Betraying Huan means everyone will rush to the cargo bay to arrest her, and you'll be asked to secure the Prototype Ship. Huan won't get caught, but her cover will be blown.
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starfield the best there is persuade gabriel vogel or betray huan
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  • Lastly, you can find the ship's location from a nearby computer and steal the ID credentials from Gabriel Vogel.

Find a Pilot Suit(Optional)

Head through the maintenance vent next to Vogel's office to find the Pilot Suit that gives you free access to the next area.

Find a Way Around the Security Checkpoint

Head through some more vents to make your way around the security checkpoint and secure your path to the ship.

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Go to the Prototype Ship

Head to the prototype ship and collect your rewards from the nearby weapon crate. You can head straight inside by interacting with the ID card reader using the card you got from Vogel.

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Register the Flight Log (Optional)

You can register the flight log from the computer behind the ship port so that UC Security doesn't suspect anything when you take off. Not doing this means that the station becomes hostile the moment you undock.

Escape SY-920 on the Prototype Ship

Use the Grav Drive to jump away before the security disables or destroys your ship. Make your way to The Key with the Prototype ship. Be sure to loot all of its contents before docking, as you won't be able to keep the ship.

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Speak to Huan at the Key

Speak to Huan, who will be mad at you if you blow her cover or offer a drink if you keep things civil.

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Speak to Delgado

Give the update to Delgado, who will review your performance and comment on it. Then, he'll assign you your next mission, which involves stealing EM technology from Neon City's grid.

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Report to Kibwe Ikande Aboard the UC Vigilance

Head back to the UC Vigilance and report your progress to Kibwe Ikande. He'll be mad at you if you've caused chaos aboard the staryard. This will finish The Best There Is quest, and you can embark on the next quest, Absolute Power.

starfield the best there is speak to kibwe ikande on the uc vigilance
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The Best There Is Quest Rewards

  • EXP - 350
  • Credits - 14400 (Level dependent)
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That finishes up our walkthrough for The Best There Is. There's still one more missing piece of technology before you can head over to Kryx's Legacy, and we'll get it in the next quest: Absolute Power.

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