Fallout 4: Should I Give Brother Thomas Everything?

charles view amphitheatre brother thomas fallout 4

charles view amphitheatre brother thomas fallout 4

Pillars of the Community are a small cult in the Wasteland that the player may encounter as part of a bigger quest line. Letā€™s learn about the cult and if you should give Brother Thomas everything you own in Fallout 4.

A post-apocalyptic world may either be a sanitized utopia or a landscape of unbridled chaos where scams and cults spread. Unfortunately, the world of Fallout 4, except for the Vaults, fits the latter description.

Youā€™d find all sorts of scams in the Commonwealth Wasteland, including one named Pillars of the Community. Itā€™s an otherwise benign name for a cult if you ask us.

What Is The Pillars of the Community?

charles view amphitheatre fallout 4
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Credit: Bethesda

The Pillars of the Community is a cult based on the Charles View Amphitheatre that claims to know the truth about the world. They spread this Gospel throughout the Commonwealth using fliers and always with an invitation to visit the Amphitheatre to meet their leader, Brother Thomas.

As with any cult, the Pillars will encourage new members to give up any worldly possessions to the communal ownership of the community, although only Thomas gets to keep whatever trinkets they surrender. If an initiate sees the light at the last minute, the poor fellow will be extorted from their possessions under threat of death.

Where Can You Find Them?

fallout 4 the esplanade worldmap
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Credit: Bethesda

Their main headquarters is the Charles View Amphitheatre, which is located in the Esplanade area on the World Map. Itā€™s right across the river from Cambridge, although you can also access it from the West through The Fens, South through Black Bay, and East via Beacon Hill.

It is possible to encounter the group in their base before Emogene Takes a Lover quest and kill Brother Thomas. However, he will respawn once youā€™ve activated that quest line, which has you chasing Emogene Cabot to the Pillars at the behest of her family.

How to Deal With Brother Thomas

Brother Thomas Fallout 4
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Credit: Bethesda

When you confront Thomas during the quest, he will attempt to sway you into his community and ask you to surrender your inventory. The best answer is to say ā€œNo,ā€ but of course, he will resort to threatening you with violence if you do so.

Thereā€™ll be a speech check through which you could get away with blackmailing him, but itā€™s for those with a high Charisma perk. In that case, youā€™ll need to ready your guns because everyone in the Community will be hostile to you, and the only way you can escape is to murder everybody.

Donā€™t worry; none of your companions, not even Preston, will object to this manslaughter because itā€™s for Emogeneā€™s good.

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